Route and Map 10km (5km run twice) and 5km Run
10K and 5K Race Route and Finish:
Both the 10K and 5K races have the same Start and Finish lines.
The Start Line may be moved to the car park.
The Finish Line is in Wythall Park car park.
The 10K race is 2 laps of the 5K route, so when approaching the park at the end of the first lap the 10k runners should keep left, staying on the road to head off for a second lap.
5K runners, and 10K runners at the end of their second lap, head in to the park to the Finish Line.
Please Note: Separate funnels and timing are being used for the 10K and 5K race.
So 5K runners please keep right following the blue tape/rope.
10K runners please keep left following the red tape/rope.